About Me

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Manteca, California, United States
I'm Brianna. Eighteen. Happy. Figure out more on your own. :)

Sunday, May 1, 2011


Dear asshole at prom,

Thanks for leaving your super pointy and sharp lollipop stick on the ground. It totally didn't stab the side of my foot. And my foot totally doesn't hurt now thanks to you.


*Other than that prom was okay. The music they played wasn't really my taste, but overall I'm glad that I went :)


  1. aww im sorry that happened to you. is your foot feeling okay now though?

  2. Prom was cool. The cartoonist was my favorite part! Im glad that you has fun. I always feel sad for people who dont go to their senior prom. I feel like theyre missing out on a important highschool experience :)
