I think too much. And I need to stop. All my life I've always been the type of person who thinks about everything. And by everything, I really mean EVERYTHING. I think about consequences, and hidden messages, overanalyzing every little thing. Never letting anything just... be. I've always been the worrier, the "voice of reason", the sensible one.
But now, I don't want to always be that way. Sometimes, I just want to do something simply because I want to. Even if it isn't necessarily the best choice. I want to start relying more on my heart, rather than my head. Take risks, do things I shouldn't do, just have fun.
My parents are extremely overprotective, and I've been the good little girl for forever. Doing what I'm supposed to do, never breaking the rules. Do well in school, do chores. I'm almost seventeen and I still have a 10:30 bedtime. But the cage I'm stuck in is starting to get to me. And all I want to do is spread my wings. Just a little bit. I want the perfect balance.
Take some risks, be a little bad. But don't lose sight of my mind and my good judgment.
That's all I really want.
A little rebellion.
Hmm..I think a lot too. Even about nothing. Oh, and 10:30 bedtime? That sucks lol. But that's actually a better time for a school night because you get decent sleep, if you think about it. I usually stay up too late and wish I'd gone to bed earlier. I don't know, I'm weird. By the way, I admire your honesty and writing style. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like I can relate to you about being the good girl that does well in school, follows all the rules, and has a 10:00 bedtime (yes 10, even though it's senior year). My mom and I are really close and I tell her EVERYTHING so for me to "break out" and do something bad then I'd feel terrible lying to her about it or keeping a secret from her. I completely agree with you on wanting a little rebellion and breaking out of my bubble.