1. I don't like ice cream
2. My brothers and I all have names that start with 'Br'.
3. I hate texting and talking on the phone.
4. I've had 4 dogs, 1 guinea pig, 2 frogs, and about 4 fish in my life.
5. I won a writing contest held by my favorite author and was sent a free copy of her latest book.
6. I won first place in an essay contest in 4th grade.
7. I'm not really shy or quiet once you get to know me.
8. I am going on a road trip next summer.
9. I have been going to Disneyland since I was about 3.
10. My 3rd grade teacher asked me to give the class a spelling test so she wouldn't have to do it.
11. When I'm bored I like to play online games and put my iTunes on shuffle and sing along.
12. I love playing board games and card games with my family.
13. I enjoy buying and applying makeup.
14. I've had asthma for nearly my entire life.
15. I have never broken a bone or been stung by a bee... yet.
16. I took ballet and tap dance classes for about 5 years.
17. I have the autographs of Tom Cruise and Katie Holmes.
18. My cousin and I hated each other when we were little, now we are best friends.
19. My favorite restaurants are Olive Garden and Waffle Shop.
20. My seventeenth birthday is September 20th (this Monday) ;)
21. My first concert was American Idol Season 7 in Sacramento on July 9th, 2008.
22. My bedroom has a Paris theme.
23. I have lived in the same house my entire life.
24. The first "book" I ever wrote was about Barbie.
25. I love Creative Writing :)
Your turn.
I thought doing these facts was a really cute idea. You are a very creative girl and I would like to take this opportunity to say that I hope you don't hate me. I realized that I know most of these facts about you because I was once your best friend and even though we are no longer as close I dont want us to be enemies. We had great times together and we share amazing memories. Thank you for all the those memories and I hope that you still think of me as a good person. All your blogs are interesting to read and I really like how you designed btw. Oh and happy early birthday!